Miriam Landman's
➤ Published Writings
➤ Editing, Research, and Radio Production Work
- Numerous pieces published on the MotherEarthNews.com blog, 2010 - 2014
- Case study on the University of California—Santa Cruz Campus' Water Efficiency and Water Management Improvements, a program that received a 2012 UC/CSU Best Practices Award. Written on behalf of the UC Berkeley Green Building Research Center / Lehrer Design, Fall 2012
- Green Operations & Maintenance Manual for the Schenectady Municipal Housing Authority, as well as a Healthy Home Guide for SMHA Residents, December 2011
- Case studies on two of the projects that received the 2010 UC/CSU/CCC Best Practices Award: UC Irvine's Medical Education Building, and CSU Sacramento's American River Courtyard residence hall. Written on behalf of the UC Berkeley Green Building Research Center / Lehrer Design, January 2011
- "Sustainable Site Selection: Choosing the Best Lot to Develop," article on the Partnership for Sustainable Communities website, June 2010
- "Tips for Switching to High-Efficiency Toilets, Showerheads, and Faucets," article on GreenHomeGuide.com, Summer 2010
- Green Design report for the David Brower Center; parts of the report were excerpted for the Green Features section of the building's "dashboard" (displayed in the lobby and online), Summer 2009
- "Coastal California Kit Home Gets a Sustainable Renovation and Addition—Pacifica, CA" case study, GreenBuildingAdvisor.com, February 23, 2009
- "Trailblazing Solar Home Made of Composite ICFs—Cannon Beach, Oregon" case study, GreenBuildingAdvisor.com, February 17, 2009
- "Green Homes on Display in West Marin," West Marin Citizen, September 11, 2008
- "Cleaning without Chemicals," The Epoch Times (Ontario, Canada edition), May 16-22, 2008
- Responses to three questions (regarding brick, eco-friendly furniture, and green information resources for builders) featured in GreenHomeGuide.com's Ask a Pro column posted on January 22, 2008
- "Chemical cleaners can introduce poisons, health risks into the home," San Francisco Chronicle, September 22, 2007
- A chapter and a case study in the book Blueprint for Greening Affordable Housing, edited by Global Green USA (Island Press, 2007)
- Articles on green building and healthy housecleaning / natural cleaners in Natural Home magazine's Special Resource Guide issue, July/August 2007
- Green Affordable Housing: An Overview, a three-page summary distributed to attendees of a symposium on Sustainable Design: New Directions for Affordable Housing, held at the National Building Museum in Washington DC, May 30, 2007
- Green Operations and Maintenance Manual for The Plaza Apartments: Best Practices for a Healthy and High-Performance Building;
Healthy Home Guide for Residents of The Plaza Apartments; and template versions of both manuals that can be customized for other projects. Published by Enterprise Community Partners for the San Francisco Green Communities program, Summer 2006
- "The Green Building Evolution," a commentary in Environmental Design + Construction magazine (in the annual "Perspectives on Sustainable Design" section), December 2005
- "Better Places to Live," an article on sustainable neighborhoods and communities in GreenTech, a supplement to Urban Land magazine, October 2005
- "Selecting Healthy and Environmentally Sound Paints," an article on GreenHomeGuide.com, posted August 2005 (Contributing author and researcher)
- "From a Movement to Mainstream Practice," a commentary published on GreenHomeGuide.com, posted March–June 2005
- Tools of the Trade: Practical Tools for Green Building Design and Analysis, a 125-page guide (also known as the Green Building Toolkit), which was available on CD-ROM or as a PDF download, City and County of San Francisco / Global Green USA, 2003
- "Top Three Materials for Healthy Home Remodeling," an article on ENN.com, October 2003, and on KQED.org, April 2003
- "Truckee Middle School: A CHPS High-Performance Demonstration School," a case study published by the California Integrated Waste Management Board, 2003
- "Colorado Court, Santa Monica," a case study for Global Green USA's Greening Affordable Housing series, 2002
- "Our Indoor Air," and "Top Three Materials for Healthy Home Remodeling," articles for HealthyHomePlans.com, 2001 and 2003
- Breaking Through the Barriers to Sustainable Building: Insights from Building Professionals on Government Initiatives to Promote Environmentally Sound Practices, Master's Thesis, Tufts University, 1999
- Sustainable Building Resource Directory (co-authored with Angela Vitulli) and a summary report on the Austin Green Building Program, for the State of Massachusetts' Division of Capital Planning/Operational Services, 1998
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- Edited waste audit reports for more than a dozen commercial buildings (projects aiming for LEED or TRUE Zero Waste certification), on behalf of the consulting firm All About Waste, 2022 - 2023
Role: Copediting and proofreading; some content strategy, research, and advising
- Various projects (related to green building/development, sustainable sites, LEED and CALGreen) for Simon & Associates Green Building Consultants, 2008 - 2012
Role: Research, editing, and presentation content
- New "Green Building Resources" links webpage for the Global Green USA website, Summer 2010
Role: Research and organization/preparation of content
- Research on various subjects (e.g., green certifications and guidelines for housing and sustainable communities; LEED for Neighborhood Development certified projects; the Association of Bay Area Governments' policies and programs related to SB 375; and funding sources for green building and retrofit projects) for the Partnership for Sustainable Communities, 2009-2010
Role: Research and writing
- Preparation of case study content for print brochures, an interactive touch-screen display, and a lobby display board —developed by EduTracks—for two prominent LEED certified green buildings in the Bay Area, 2009-2010
Role: Research and writing; project coordination; selection of photos
- Several articles reviewed and updated for GreenHomeGuide.com, Fall 2009
Role: Technical reviewer and editor
- New section of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website, providing information on Green Homes. Content developed by Industrial Economics, Inc. and the EPA, 2009
Role: Technical/expert reviewer; some editing
- Energy Savings page on RESSAC Climate Control Technologies' website, Spring 2009
Role: Research and draft writing
- Green Homeowner Maintenance Guides and Homeowner Association Green Maintenance Reference manuals, created by Compendia, Inc., 2008: Made revisions and provided new content related to green operations and maintenance and green household/living practices
(for green single-family homes and condominium developments, including LEED-H certified and GreenPoint Rated projects)
Role: Editing, writing, consulting
- U.S. Green Building Council's Northern California Chapter website content (Green Building Research and Publications sections): Solicited, coordinated, and edited case studies (on the Blach Intermediate School, CalPERS, and Swinerton Headquarters projects), and developed a case study submission form, as well as lists of LEED certified buildings and other green buildings in the region, August 2007
Role: Coordination, research, and editing
- Simon & Associates Green Building Consultants website content updates (for the Projects section and the Simon & Associates section webpages), August 2007
Role: Proofreading and coordination
- Making Affordable Housing Truly Affordable: Advancing Tax Credit Incentives for Green Building and Healthier Communities, a report by Global Green USA, 2006
Role: Copyediting
- WestCoastGreen.com's "Recommended Links" webpage: An annotated directory of green building websites and resources, 2006
Role: Research and some writing
- HealthyHomePlans.com's "Our Links" webpage: An annotated listing of healthy home and green building websites and resources, 2005
Role: Research and editing (and some writing)
- Green Building Materials Selection and Specification Guide, developed by Global Green USA for the City of Santa Monica, 2002
Role: Copyediting (and some writing)
- Green Buildings: Bringing Environmentally Sensitive Design to San Francisco, a report developed by the San Francisco Planning and Urban Research (SPUR) association's Sustainable Development Committee, 2001
Role: Some research and writing (multiple contributors)
- Radio interview with Ray Anderson, CEO of Interface, Inc. and author of Mid-Course Correction, Toward a Sustainable Enterprise: The Interface Model; on public radio's Living on Earth, November 27, 1998
Role: Producer and audio editor
- Radio interview with Alan Weisman, author of Gaviotas: A Village to Reinvent the World, a book about a unique, experimental community in Colombia; on public radio's Living on Earth, May 1, 1998
Role: Producer and audio editor